Tableau to Superset Conversion Report
This topic provides a comprehensive report of Tableau BI objects that are transformed to Superset equivalent BI objects.
- Total BI Objects: Displays the number of BI objects. It also gives a segregated view successfully converted objects and failed objects.
- Status: Provides status of the BI Conversion stage.
- Description: A brief description of the stage is displayed.
- Time Taken for Execution: The time taken for conversion.
In This Topic:
BI Objects
This section shows transformed artifacts containing datasets and reports. The left panel lists all the transformed artifacts along with its conversion status. The right panel shows information about datasets and reports within the artifact. It includes information about its type, status, and remarks. Remarks displays an error message if the dataset or report fails to convert. It helps you understand the error and guides you to fix it.
This section provides the converted artifacts which can be executed directly on the target platform. Here you can see the Superset equivalent artifacts such as charts, dashboards, databases, datasets, and more.
The charts folder contains Superset equivalent charts such as horizontal bar chart, pie chart, vertical bar chart, etc.
The dashboards folder contains the Superset equivalent dashboards.
In the databases folder, you can see information that are required to connect to the underlying database from which the Superset fetches the data.
The datasets folder contains information about the datasets required for creating charts and dashboards in the target.
The metadata.yaml file contains metadata details that are required to execute the transformed artifacts on the Superset platform.
In addition, you can see Additional_Help_Template.xlsx, Logs_Template.xlsx, and todo.txt files which display all the directives where user intervention may be required, warning, error, and informative messages.
The Additional_Help_Template.xlsx file displays all error messages and ToDo messages or all unsupported components/ queries that cannot auto-convert and require manual intervention.
The Logs_Template.xlsx file contains all informative and warning messages.
The Todo.txt file contains all the directives where user intervention may be required, warning, error, and informative messages.
The Tableau_Conversion_Report.xlsx report provides detailed information about the Tableau conversion including the number of total, failed, successfully transformed charts, visual objects, calculations, filters, and more. It also includes information about the auto-conversion index along with deductible and deducted script quota.
You can also download the converted artifacts by clicking