SnapLogic Conversion Report
This topic provides a comprehensive report on the SnapLogic ETL conversion.
This section provides an overview of ETL conversion, which includes:
- Scripts Transformed: Displays the number of scripts and pipelines successfully converted and the number of scripts and pipelines that are not.
- Status: Status of the ETL Conversion stage.
- Automatic Conversion Rate: Provides the percentage of automatic conversion.
In this Topic:
This topic shows a comprehensive report of the converted artifacts. It includes the name of the script, pipeline summary, and file-wise auto conversion percentage.
Browse through each script to get more insights into the transformations.
This topic provides a detailed report of the converted artifacts in Python file format which can be directly consumed on the target platform. Select
to download the converted artifacts for offline use.
The TODO_Report file displays messages regarding all unsupported components or queries that cannot auto-convert and require manual intervention.
In the Package section, you can also see Transformation_Report.xlsx file which contains a comprehensive report of the transformation. The Summary sheet in Transformation_Report.xlsx file provides information about total number of pipelines, successfully transformed pipelines, total number of components, successfully transformed components, and the auto-conversion percentage for each file.
The Transformation Report sheet includes information about pipelines, components, target files and so on.