Shell Script Report
This topic provides a comprehensive report on the Shell Script conversion. The output of this conversion is a target equivalent Python script executable in the target environment. A comprehensive report is also generated as an output.
This section provides an overview of the Shell Script conversion, which includes:
- Total Scripts: Displays the total number of scripts along with the number of scripts successfully converted and the number of scripts that are not.
- Status: Status of the Script Files Conversion stage.
- Description: A brief description of the stage is displayed.
- Conversion Percentage: Displays the automation conversion coverage.
- Transformation Time: The time taken for transformation.
In This Topic:
This topic shows a comprehensive report of the converted artifacts. It includes the name of the file, file-wise auto-conversion percentage, and transformation status.
This topic provides a detailed report of the target equivalent Python scripts which can be directly executed on the target platform.
In the report folder, you can see the TODO_Report.xlsx and TranslationReport.xlsx reports. The TODO_Report.xlsx displays messages regarding all unsupported nodes or statements that cannot auto-convert and require manual intervention.
TranslationReport.xlsx report contains a comprehensive transformation report and the associated deductible license quota.