Query Validation Report
This topic gives a detailed report for queries that have been validated based on the specified dataset.
In This Topic:
Query Validation Report (When Data is Available)
This section provides a comprehensive validation report. It contains:
- Status: Status of the Validation stage.
- Description: A brief description of the stage is displayed.
- Total Queries: The total number of queries in the validation stage.
- Validated Queries: Number of queries validated along with the status.
- Validation Success Rate: Displays the percentage of queries that are validated successfully.
- Time Taken for Validation: The time taken for validating the dataset.
This topic provides query validation reports of the scripts. The left panel lists all the scripts along with the validation status. The right panel shows information of the selected file. It includes details of the source and target queries, row count match, and the validation status of the tables.
on the preferred query to get more information about the query.
The report displays a detailed summary of Cell-by-cell report along with the functions used for the validation.
Query Validation Report (When Data is not Available)
This section provides a comprehensive query validation report. It contains:
- Total Queries: The total number of queries involved in the query validation.
- Status: Provides status information about the Query Validation stage.
- Description: A brief description of the stage is displayed.
- Total Transformed Queries: The total number of queries that are transformed.
- Unit Tested Queries: Number of queries used for validation.
- Non-Unit Tested Queries: Number of queries not validated.
- Validation Success Rate: Provide the percentage of queries that are validated successfully.
- Time Taken for Validation: The time taken for validation.
- Total Mismatched (Cell by Cell): Number of mismatched queries based on cell-by-cell validation.
This topic provides query validation reports of the scripts. The left panel lists all the scripts along with the validation status. The right panel shows information of the selected script. It includes details of the source and transformed queries, along with the validation status of the queries.
The query validation status provides information about the validation status of the transformed queries. A Matched status indicates that the source and transformed queries are aligned. If the status is other than Matched, then browse through the error obtain more information.
For instance, if you get a data generation issue, then click VIEW ISSUE to know more about the issue.