The prerequisites for deploying LeapLogic are as follows.
- Connector JARs for the source datastores such as Teradata / Netezza / Oracle should be placed in the Sqoop library.
- JDK 17 with Java version 17.0.10 (Developer version) or any higher (minor) version of Java 17 should already be installed on the node where LeapLogic is being installed.
- The following Python2 packages should be available on the cluster Python installation: numpy, pandas, boto3, awscli, s3fs.
- MySQL client should be installed on the edge node for MySQL compatible deployment.
- Postgres client should be installed on the edge node for RDS compatible deployment.
- SSL certificate if deployment over HTTPS is required.
- It is recommended to deploy LeapLogic using a user other than root.
- SMTP mail server settings and a support email account for mail configuration (optional)
- User deploying LeapLogic services should have a valid home directory on underlying HDFS.
- 7zip is required on the system from where the user needs to access the application and download the artifacts.
- External Libraries required is as given in section – Provide External Libraries