Oracle Data Integrator Conversion Report
This topic provides a comprehensive report on Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) ETL conversion. The ETL conversion pipeline converts legacy ODI workloads to modern cloud platforms.
This section provides an overview of the ETL conversion, which includes:
- Scripts Transformed: Displays the number of scripts. It also includes the number of scripts successfully converted to the target and the number of scripts that are not converted.
- Status: Status of the ETL Conversion stage.
In this Topic:
This topic shows a comprehensive report of the jobs provided as input in the ETL conversion stage. It includes details of the jobs including their type, package, and status of the conversion.
This topic provides a detailed report of the converted artifacts in SQL file format which can be directly executed on the target platform.
The queryReport file in the package showcases a summary report of all the files. It provides details of steps, original and transformed queries.
Moreover, the TODO file displays messages regarding all unsupported patterns or queries that cannot auto-convert and require manual intervention.