SAS Script Extraction Prerequisites
This topic briefs about the SAS script extraction prerequisites.
In This Topic:
- Availability of SAS code files (.sas) and/ or Enterprise guide project files (.egp)
- Save Enterprise guide projects, if applicable, as .egp projects
- DDL used for tables/ views from SAS code
- Data files as .sas7bdat files – optional
- Provide Excel based reports preparing data in different formats (using pivot table, macro etc.)
- Linux machine – can be the SAS machine or a separate Linux machine (VM would also work) with
- Java 1.8 or above installed
- Disk availability ~ 10GB (might need more depending on the volume of SAS code)
- Java execution rights
- Create files rights to an output folder and temp space
- Identify the root folder of all SAS code files (.sas) and/ or Enterprise guide project files (.egp)- < in-root-path-sas-code >.
- This can be the SAS machine where the code is running OR
- A separate (preferably) Linux machine where the .sas and/or .egp can be copied on to a folder
- Download the ZIP file containing the installable
- Unzip the installable file either 1 a (SAS machine) or 1b (Linux machine with code copied) in a folder (< install-folder >) to see following files.
- run-shell
- readme
- StandaloneSASAssessment-X.Y.jar (X.Y will be actual versions)
- SASTokens.xml
- Use this command to change directory to the installation folder – cd < install-folder >.
- Make a folder for output generation (< out-folder >) e.g. using command – mkdir out.
- Make run-shell executable by running following command – chmod +x run-shell.
- Run command – ./run-shell < in-root-path-of-sas-code > < out-folder > AND wait for the execution to finish.
- Archive the < out-folder > and share with the Impetus team. The out folder contains just profile of the SAS code and not the actual logic.