Analytics Automation Level Indicator
This topic contains information about the logic used to calculate the automation level indicator of analytics scripts including:
Automation level indicator provides the automation conversion coverage of the SAS conversion. It is calculated based on the average of automation level indicator of all files.
Automation Level Indicator = Sum of Auto-conversion percentage of each file/ Total number of files
For instance, if there are 5 SAS files with auto-conversion percentage of 100, 96, 100, 100, and 96 respectively, then the automation level indicator is calculated as the average of auto-conversion percentage of all these SAS files. Therefore, the automation level indicator is 98.4% ((100 + 96 + 100 + 100 + 96)/ 5).
Next, let’s see how to calculate the auto-conversion percentage of each file.
Auto-Conversion percentage of each file = (Total number of Processed SAS Code lines- Number of non-converted Code lines) * 100/ Total number of Processed SAS Code lines)
For instance, if the Total number of Processed SAS Code lines is 27 and Number of non-converted Code lines is 1, then the automation level indicator is 96 ((Total number of Processed SAS Code lines- Number of non-converted Code lines) * 100/ Total number of Processed SAS Code lines); i.e., (27-1) * 100/27)
Automation Level Indicator provides the automation conversion coverage of the Alteryx conversion. It is calculated based on the average of automation level indicator of all components.
Automation Level Indicator = Sum of automation level indicator of all components/ Total number of components
For instance, if there are 5 components with automation level indicator of 100%, 100%, 0%, 85%, and 82% respectively, then the automation level indicator is calculated as the average of automation level indicator of all these components. Therefore, the automation level indicator is 73.4% ((100 + 100 + 0 + 85 + 82)/ 5).
Next let’s see how to calculate the automation level indicator of each component.
The automation level indicator of each component is calculated based on:
Automation Level Indicator of each component = Automation Base Percent + (100 – Automation Base Percent) * Supported Properties Count / Total Properties
By default, the automation base percentage for a component is 75% if the component is auto-converted successfully. The remaining 25% is calculated based on the conversion support of properties in the graphs. For instance:
- If you have 10 properties for a particular component and all the 10 properties are auto-converted successfully, then the automation level indicator is calculated as the Automation Base Percent + (100 – Automation Base Percent) * Supported Properties Count / Total Properties; i.e, 75+ (100-75)*10/10 = 100%
- If you have 10 properties for a particular component and only 5 properties are auto-converted, then automation level indicator is calculated as the Automation Base Percent + (100 – Automation Base Percent) * Supported Properties Count / Total Properties; i.e., 75+(100-75)*5/10=87.5%